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Prison should lead to more than a return visit

Prison should lead to more than a return visit

Representation Matters Back to top

Representation Matters is aimed at supporting candidates from under-represented groups, particularly Black and/or Asian heritage in the application process.

In recognition of the unique experiences and strengths of Black, Asian, and mixed heritage candidates – Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic candidates, we have tailored the Representation Matters coaching programme to provide dedicated support and guidance for these applicants as they navigate the application process.

#Written Application webinar:

The written application webinar will cover:

  • Further information about Unlocked.
  • Discussion and expansion of the attributes we test against.  
  • Tips and techniques for your written assessment  
  • Reviewing of a practice question and answer.

#Assessment Centre webinar

This webinar will include:  

  • What to expect from your Assessment Centre.
  • Tips and techniques on how to be successful at the Unlocked Graduates Assessment Centre
  • The importance of the applicant’s voice.
  • Q&A, reflections and feedback. 

We will be running Q&A Sessions regarding the Assessment Centre throughout the application process for candidates to ask questions, gain further insight and seek advice to help prepare them for their upcoming Assessment Centre. Sign up to sessions below.

#Representation Matters Sessions

These sessions are for candidates from a Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic heritage to come together and discuss the importance of representation in the criminal justice sector. The sessions will be informal and open and provide a chance to be part of a safe space that values your voice. You will have the opportunity to share personal insights and experiences as well as ask questions about the role.

You can attend regardless of what stage you are at in the application process. If you’d like to attend these sessions, please register for one below:

Find out more about Diversity and Inclusion at Unlocked Graduates.