Update on Unlocked Graduates

Update on Unlocked Graduates

Over the past eight years Unlocked has launched and run a hugely successful graduate leadership development programme for the prison service in England and Wales. Our participants have helped to transform the lives of tens of thousands of prisoners. We are therefore deeply saddened that we have been unable to agree terms with the Ministry of Justice to continue to deliver this work and, as a result, do not have a contract to recruit any further cohorts. 

Unlocked has recruited almost 900 talented future leaders and become a hugely prestigious and award-winning graduate scheme in the process. These leaders have real impact on the landings. They are consistently recognised as some of the best trained, most innovative officers in the system, and their ideas for reform are adopted at every level. Despite less than one in ten having considered a role in the prison service before hearing about Unlocked, they are committed to staying the course; 14% more are still in post after two years compared to those who join via the standard route and more than 50% of those who have completed the programme are still employed by the Ministry of Justice or HMPPS. In the process, we have transformed the perception of the prison officer role. This year, we were ranked 22nd in the Times Top 100 Best Graduate Employers list and had more than 40 applications per place.  

Prisons are, rightly, a national priority at the moment. This is a system facing real challenges. There has never been a greater need for innovative and excellent leaders to lead change from the inside out. Unlocked is a global leader in recruiting and training exactly these people to do exactly this.  

 We hope in the coming weeks that the new government can work with Unlocked to find a way forward so we are able to recruit a 2025 cohort. Not doing so ultimately deprives the prison service of the talent it so desperately needs and deserves.